Circular Innovation Toolkit
Problem Phase
This phase is about exploring a number of different problems, digging deep to understand them and then narrowing down which ones you’d like to create solutions for. Before jumping into solutioning, take the time to investigate the challenges you’re interested in addressing. The problem discovery phase is an iterative process that you may go through several times before finding a validated problem that needs to be solved.
Identify Problems Worth Solving
What problems exist within your local context?
Ideation Phase
It’s time to take all of the inspiration and knowledge you gained from the problem phase and find a circular solution that could be implemented in your local context. This phase will use the problem you’ve validated as a starting point to ideate and design solutions.
Get Inspired by Circular Design Strategies
​Uncover opportunities to design circular solutions
Circular Economy Overview
The "circular economy" is a concept that has become popular when thinking about sustainability and it’s often talked about as something that we should work towards. Here you'll get a baseline understanding of the principles of a circular economy.
Rethinking Current Systems
Transitioning to circular economies requires a shift in systems & our ways of thinking